It’s the “Select” in our name that hints at why we’re different. We don’t work with everybody, we never just “fill the brief” and we’ll never encourage you to settle for a merely ok solution.
What we will do is ask hard questions about where your sector is going and where your business needs to; ensure your culture is fully factored in; properly determine both the stripes and the softer skills a candidate needs to thrive in your organisation; and deliver a realistic summation of their development promise and needs. This way, we ensure that our search is properly pinpointed on plausible potential.
We will always do this in a collaborative way, one that harnesses the capability and knowledge of our two firms in partnership, and we will keep you fully informed at every step of the process.
The thoroughness of this approach underpins our reputation with cream candidates, too - they know that with WS, they have a far better chance of both securing the right role and fulfilling their future. Which is why they tend to stay with their new firm for longer - a win-win for both.

Our Proposition to Candidates
WS Search creates a partnership with people that means it
Clear and complete understanding of your professional objectives and personal goals is critical to all of us - you, WS and potential employers. We can help identify where they will resonate best, what premium your attributes carry and what key knowledge and skills augmentation will most quickly strengthen your hand. Moreover, we don’t simply wave goodbye when you land the winner. We follow through to ensure things are working out as hoped. And we position to work with your new employer to help you get the development you seek.